Friday, December 18, 2009

A Strange Work Week

The weird thing about working in theatre is that your work week starts when most other people are thinking about the weekend. That is because we *are* the entertainment of the masses. You're welcome. My schedule in particular is weird: work Friday afternoon, house managing Saturday night, crewing and strike on Sunday, Monday off (another weird coincidence) and then Tuesday work. Well, anyway, I think it's weird.

Now that we have a lovely newly painted floor in the lobby and bathrooms, we've got to keep it looking spiffy. To contribute to that, I mopped them today, singing show tunes and Disney songs to not get bored. And, I'm not kidding, the water which used to be clear when I started was nearly black when I finished. Then again, we hadn't actually gotten around to doing it for three weeks, so if we do it at least once a week, we should be fine. And we do it for you!

Closing weekend! Wow that's really exciting. It looks like we might sell out, at least for our closing matinee, which is also exciting. So come on down and don't make a liar out of me!

Lastly, I think I speak for all the interns (and the rest of the staff) when I say have a wonderful and safe holiday and a lovely new year!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Wow, has it really been over a month since my last blog post? Sheesh. I need to get on the ball with this. It's funny really. There has been tons of stuff happening that I could write about, but since I've been buisy doing that stuff, I haven't had time to write about it. It's a conundrum, really. Actually, it's more of a predicament, really. I just like saying conundrum. Say it with me kids:
Now isn't that fun?

Although I could continue jabbering on with no real direction and not really talk about anything actually happening here at citylights by having long, drawn out sentences with no real direction punctuated with short sentences for emphasis, I will not. That would be stupid.

Instead, I will say that ANBC is awesome. I managed to get out and see it the other weekend, and it turned out to be way better than I expected. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who is completely over Christmas in every way. Thumbs up to Lisa-Marie and Michael for their awesome work.

And now, after listing to some lady tell me her life story over the phone and dealing with a posessed Ticket Manager, I shall go deal with the shipment of foodstuffs from Zanatto's that just rolled in. Good gravy.

Monday, December 14, 2009

NEVER FEAR - Gilly is here!

Greetings, lovely people.
I come to you from my nice warm bed, where I am currently curled up listening to BBC radio online. This has no real relevance to this post, but I thought it best to give some context. Mmm. Warm.
So, I house managed yesterday, Sunday, for our first matinee. It was a little hectic setting up, but we had a full house who completely adored the show. We had quite a few people who took pictures with our resident Santa and reformed Scroogette. :)
Another Night Before Christmas is going into its last week! It has been a great run, and the audiences have been loving the show. Most of the reviews are posted in the posts below, if you'd like to take a look. Personally, having seen the show at regular intervals, that it is only getting better as the run goes on. If you haven't seen the show (or even if you have!) I highly encourage you to do so! It made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Beth has already mentioned the lovely people who came to help us begin the long process of reorganizing the prop loft. In fact, we're going to be having a volunteer work weekend in January (the 9th and 10th) for anyone who loves City Lights, and wants to come spend some time with a fun group. There will be pizza and fun times! I'm excited.
I will update again this week, I promise! Tomorrow it shall be ticket order time. Yay!
I hope you have happy holidays -- I shall be going home for Christmas, and I have spent today staring at my suitcase in the hopes it will disappear if I stare at it long enough. May your Christmas, New Year, and Holiday season be magical!
Also, I am four episodes into Glee. It is so good.

Friday, December 11, 2009

For Shame!

My fellow bloggers and I have been slacking dreadfully in our duties! And there's actually stuff to talk about!!
1) Tonight only, if you call in or get tickets at the door, mention FACEBOOK and get $10 tickets! What a bargain!
2) On Tuesday morning Gilly and I were here bright and early (9:30 in the morning is ungodly for theatrical types) along with about 8 very friendly volunteers from Intel. Our task: clearing some of the clutter from the prop loft (dun dun dunnn), with the long term goal of actually inventorying what whe have. That will be Gilly's task over the next quarter, due to scheduling conflicts, etc. Good luck!
Among some of the stuff up there was a wallet with several pictures of a goat (I'm assuming from the play "The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?") and that was funny. The play is about a man who has an affair. With a goat. Hilarious.
3) Saturday night last weekend was the night for our Yelp people to come see the show, and they left some very nice things on their website! (If you see a "quick and friendly" girl at the counter, they're talking about me. ^_^) Here's the link if you want to check it out! And you do what to check it out, right? Right?!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Act 2 Lull

Hey, all. I'm house managing here tonight--this lobby gets real cold--and I've finished everything I need to do until the patrons leave. Tonight a bunch of folks from are here, and the deal is that they get a free ticket to the show, and then write a review. The fact they don't have to pay generally makes them feel better about writing it, but all the same, it's totally worth the price of admission.

I saw the show last weekend when I was shadowing to learn how to house manage (I barely messed up!), and wow, it's really good! I'm not just saying that, either, I really enjoyed it. I laughed, I cried, and I felt better about the world, that there might be some hope left in it. One of the themes of the show is just helping people, with a shout out to people in poverty. Our non-profit partner for this show is Sacred Heart Community Center ("A Community United to Ensure that Every Child and Adult is Free from Poverty"), and they really do go hand in hand. Very touching, with just the right blend of soap box to make it stick in the audience's mind. And it's a fact that the message of the show can be lost if the messengers are lousy, and the two actors in this show are anything but. Michael Johnson as Guy and Lisa-Marie Newton as Karol are convincing and engaging, with smart fun characters who work their way into the audience's heart. Two thumbs up!

Haha I didn' mean to write a review, but more folks should see this show!!! Call the box office at (408)295-4200 or go to for information on how to get tickets!

Oh, and a BIG shout out to my mom for helping me out, since no one was signed up to help with concessions tonight. Love you!!!

Stay warm, everyone!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Questions and Answers

To make up for a marked absence over the last 2 (?) weeks, I have decided to answer the questions that I know you all are asking yourselves, but are too shy to ask.

Q: Gilly, why did you leave us for two weeks?
A: Because I lack the ability to multitask. And because (cliche though it may sound), I have been a busy little elf (more on that later).

Q: Busy... too busy to update with a little post? Or call? Or write?
A: Neeeeedy. No, seriously, it is all to the good. We now have two magical new people at CL, a beautiful newly decorated lobby, and a wonderful show. Not that I am responsible for any of these things, but I thought I would blind you with wonder to distract from the question.

Q: Wait... a busy little elf?
A: Indeed. Both literally and figuratively. In fact, last night (Friday) was my last appearance as an elfin crew member for ANBC. I helped out this week, but I'm watching at Gala tomorrow, and I am very excited to see everything from the house, as opposed to glimpses occasionally. It's a very pretty set. And Michael and Lisa -Marie are insanely talented (and sound great), so it shall be fun times indeed. Why aren't you going, again?

Q: .... Ummmm....
A: That's what I thought.

Q: Did you have an elf hat?
A: Yes. I miss it. It jingled.

Q: Shouldn't you be going to bed soon.
A: Undoubtedly. Goodnight!

More informative and fun posts from me in the future, I promise!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Opening Weekend!

A clear indication of how busy we have been is the fact that this is the first entry in a week. And it's me again. Hello. I've already been interrupted with pressing Gala tickets.
Disappointing turn out for the pay-what-you-can show last night. Lani suggested today that we market that night to college folks who are poor but still want to see a show. That sounds like a good idea to me.
Opening weekend for Another Night Before Christmas!! Wooo! I checked out a few of the pictures on the website, it looks pretty good. I won't be here this weekend because I'm closing a show at Foothill College (which you should see on Sunday because there's no show at City Lights that day so you have no excuse not to see it), but I will be helping out every other weekend of the run, including debuting as a house manager. All of you lovely people should come see it, and then tell all your friends to come see it. This really isn't your average holiday show.
Okie doke, almost 5'o'clock, time to get outta here! Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kinda Spooked

Right off the bat, I want to say that I am just a little envious of Martin's blogging skillz. I just read the last two he wrote, and lol'd, which means I gotta get cracking!

Faithful readers, you may be asking me as you read, "Hey, Beth, what are you doing posting a blog so early in the work day? Don't you have stuff to do?" And I have two answers for that. Firstly, yes, I do have stuff to do, but it won't take long, so get off my back already. Secondly, there's no one else here today and I fear I may have made a grave mistake coming in at all. I even remembered to bring lunch (oatmeal, cheese, and crackers are yummy)! Poop... The one explanation I have is this--okay, I have two explanations, but one of them is a little more fun. One: Anne is just late today. But she's usually here by now, being the responsible and made-of-awesome boss lady that she is, so that leads me to place more weight on Two: Since Wednesday was Veteran's Day (and let me tell you, veterans are amazing, because if they weren't doing it, I would have to, and I really don't like guns) a lot of businesses are taking today off. Perhaps I didn't get the memo. But I'm not entirely sure. I could just call Anne and ask her if I should stay or just go home. but what if the phone rings, like it JUST DID? Well, that was a telemarketer person, but still?! Telemarketers see theater too... they just see it in India...

So I'm in a little bit of a pickle. Yipes!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Well... I guess everyone else is too sick to update the blog. I would say that there's not much happening since we are still between shows, but that would simply not be true!
As of this last weekend, we have completely cleaned out and repainted the lobby and bathrooms! It's looking quite spiffy. When you're here next, I assure you, you'll be LITERALLY BLOWN AWAY. LITERALLY. Wear a helmet.
Also, we have two new employees here at City Lights! Y'anad and Lani have jumped right into the fray like the bosses they are. This makes me endlessly happy because it means I won't have to deal with the demon that is Dreamweaver, although I did do one last website update before handing over the responsibilities... Bleh... But you should totally check out the new photos that got put up on the site. You'll be LITERALLY BLOWN AWAY. LITERALLY. ALL THE WAY TO THE MOON.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Speaking of which, Vera stopped by to say hi and tell us all of her adventures in Spain! It was nice to see her again and hear what all is going on in her life, even though I got stuck answering the phones...
Oh, also, excitingness: One of the shows of ANBC is already sold out (Dec. 4th)! This is really exciting news, but also means all you crazy kids need to plan on buying tickets in advance if you're planning on seeing ANBC. Which you should. You'll be LITERALLY BLO-- Okay, not actually. It's gonna be a good show, though.

Aaaaaaand with that, I'm off. Peace.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


he's baaaaack! Although I'm still pretty sick...
So, as you've no doubt heard, there's not much new going on here at City Lights. We're still between shows, so there isn't much to do. I guess we should be getting done all the things we couldn't do while there's a show going on, but... since there isn't a show going on... it's hard to remember what needs to get done. I did finish a nice little ad for a magazine, and I do have publicity stuff that I'll need to do in the near future, but until I get the content that I need to produce, there's not much I can do.
Hey, what I can do is shamelessly self promote the christmas show I'm in! If for some reason Another Night Before Christmas here at City Lights isn't enough theatrical Christmas festivities for you, you can also see A Christmas Pudding at Bus Barn Stage Company. It's gonna be pretty cool. It runs simultaniously with ANBC (which means I can't see it. *sniff*) and you can get more deets at: Also, I play Tiny Tim. Now, if that's not worth seeing, I don't know what is.
Well, that is all for now. Farwell my faithful blog readers. May you have good cheer this holiday season. And presents. Lots of presents.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Illness Prevails

It is official. All three interns have taken ill with the recent cold-season cruddiness. Gilly normally works on Tuesdays, but she called in to say that she was not able to grace us with her diligent presense due to the face that she may cough up a lung. I'm doing conciderably better: I only have a sore throat and a stuffy nose. It was worse this morning. Marty can no longer smell things and is quite sneezy. Last week Gilly moved the hand sanitizer from the lobby to the the intern desk in the office, but it seems our efforts were too little, too late. If we had Purell I'm sure none of this would have happened, plus this other stuff just smells weird.
Doing some odd jobs here and there today. Checked out The Who's Tommy music books to make sure we have all of them before we send them back. I got stuck looking through them for pencil marks in the margins, and now have Pinball Wizard running through my head. Fantastic.
On the show front, I'm in My Sister, Eileen over at Foothill College. It's a fun show about two "plucky" sisters who move to New York City to make their way. They end up in a terrible basement apartment with some very interesting neighbors. I've enjoyed working on it quite a lot. It opens this weekend and runs until November 22, I hope y'all can come out to see it. Plus it's family friendly! Woo!

Have a good one!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Necces - Nessa - oh, that one show.

Alright. I fail. But in my defense, I was sick. And this sickness...prohibited me from typing. Yes. It's a rare condition. Very rare. I'm the first recorded case, actually.
Well, it is 11:48 at night, and I just got back from City Lights. Now, I know what you are saying "why, Gilly dearest, were you at work on a Friday night when I know (as I know your schedule intimately) that you don't work on Fridays normally?"
Well, dear readers, that is an excellent question. And it is creepy that you know my schedule. But anyway, I was the "supervisor" for the closing of Notre Dame's show tonight. I was actually supposed to work Thursday night too, but Martin (who I think may have died... he was very sick last time I talked to him) kindly covered for me. And I went to see Joshua Radin in concert. And it. Was. Amazing. I am in love. But that is not the point.
The point is, I saw things this week. On Wednesday I saw Spring Awakening in SF (MUST... DO... SHOW... MUST... STALK... CAST...), yesterday Josh Radin (lessthanthree), and today necessary targets. They oversold tonight (and apparently last night too) so that was good, and it's a powerful piece, with some very talented people in it. I kinda want to direct it. Maybe. Perhaps. *pretentious moment* I HAVE A VISION! *end pretentious moment*
Anyways. So ANBC is coming up in just a few weeks! Mostly the office is quiet, so I've been dealing with donation requests and various formerVera (one word) things. Some nice people from Intel have offered to come organize our props in December. Isn't that nice of them? I think we already threw out stripper Barbie, but I'm sure there's much more frightening and entertaining things yet to be discovered.
Hmm. I think that is all. Then again, I'm quite tired, so I will probably think of more later. Ciao for now, bella (not the vampire-book-character... the Italian term of affection. Just to clear that up.)
- Me.

P.S. Oh, also, I got cake tonight at work. It was yummy. There is still some in the fridge, I think, if anyone would like some. So there.


Another Chill Day

Just Anne and me today. Spent an hour and a half doing grunt work of entering email addresses. Woo! Still, that's a lot less scary than what I will be doing once I have feedback from some people: setting up the non-profit partner for Another Night Before Christmas! We chose Sacred Heart Community Center, since the theme of the show is giving and reviving the holiday spirit. I did some volunteer work there in high school and thought it would be a great fit. I've contacted them and they're on board, so that's fantastic.
The day is almost done, and that's the best that can be said for it. This is why I can't wait until about a week before the show, and then for the show to start, so I'll have stuff to do!
Also, my fellow bloggers have been slacking in their blog duties.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Necessary Targets

You might ask why I'm at City Lights at 12:30pm on a Sunday--and a lovely Sunday at that. Well, today is my last day to supervise Notre Dame High School's "Necessary Targets". Okay, it's less supervising than just being here in case something goes horribly wrong, which shouldn't happen, but it might. But probably not.

But the show. I saw it in its entirety last night, and wow, forget high school, this is a quality show for anyone. All the girls are very dedicated to their characters and the story they are relating, and what a story. Set in 1997, two American women, a psychiatrist and a war trauma expert, embark on a mission to understand and relieve a small group of Bosnian refugees, five women who's lives have been turned completely around in a war-torn country. As the stories of these survivors unravel, we see that the simple pleasures of their lives, from a teenager's telephone to an old woman's precious cow, represent their freedom and dignity as Bosnians and as women.

Three more performances: today at 2pm, and this coming Thursday and Friday at 7:30om. Tickets are only $10, so it's ridiculously cheap. Bring everyone, and I mean everyone, you can muster. You will not regret it!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mid-show Blues

Coming into the office, checking the voicemail box, no new messages. One of these things doesn't belong. But I guess that's something to get used to between shows, less of the phone ringing off the hook. One the one hand, I am allowed to keep my sanity and actually finish projects in more-or-less one sitting; on the other hand, a quiet phone means two things: one, we're not selling, and two, it's easy to get bored. I like interacting with the public (hense the blogtastic funtimes) but that is harder to do when they don't call. All the same, that gives me the opportunity to pay attention to other things around here, like the very scary prop loft, for example. Except I'm the only intern in today, and someone needs to be at the desk. You know, just in case.

So, how am I going to ensure the phone rings? By publisizing the next show, of course! Another Night Before Christmas opens with the preview night on Nov 20th! Now, while that is nearly a month away, we at City Lights know we cater to a classy crowd who's schedules fill up fast. So give us a call to reserve your ticket today! Here's the link:!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

demonic possession, aka, just another day at work

Since there is little to do today at work (considering Gilly's got most of the stuff under control) I'm going to take a moment to talk about our copy machine. Our possessed copy machine.

Did you ever see the movie Gremlins? Well, it doesn't matter, because this Xerox machine isn't infested with Gremlins, it's possessed. I know this for a fact because it whispers secrets to me when I'm alone in the office. It tells me its plans for world domination, how we are all doomed to burn in hell, how I'm next, etc. You know, usual demonic possession stuff. Also, I'm pretty sure it mentioned something about past victims and bodies hidden in the prop loft. That would explain the ghost that keeps calling. Maybe it's protecting us? We may never be sure, seeing as the ghost hasn't mastered psychic communication, and every time I've asked the copier, it just went off about "eternal torment" or something. So, if next time you see a show at City Lights, there's a pentagram of blood in the bathroom, you'll know why.

Other than deciphering supernatural phenomenon, I'll be working the Notre Dame show, Necessary Targets, later today. I'll be sure to keep a priest on speed dial in case one of the girls goes Linda Blair on us.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Oh, my, it has been a while since I posted on here. Bad Gilly. Bad.
Well, as I believe Beth mentioned in her last post, Judas has closed. Sad times. I enjoyed house managing for them ever so much. Mostly because (and I don't say this lightly) they are the nicest cast I have ever worked with. I mean, it is wholly remarkable that a cast that size (12?15? Something like that) not only all gets along perfectly, but also does not even mildly irritate the people they are working with. Can we have them do every show, please? I like them.
Having said that, work is now beginning on Another Night Before Christmas (which shall henceforth be abbreviated to ANBC). Rehearsals are underway, I have almost finished the press release (just a little more information to go) - which is my very first (*sadness at Vera's departure mixes with pride*), and build will begin in a couple of weeks. Excitement abounds!
I wasn't technically in the office today, but I am at the theater right this very second, because I am watching the Notre Dame students' dress rehearsal (see Beth's post from yesterday...or Monday. I forget.). It's looking good. I'm going to wait and watch the whole show next week. In the mean time, I have been working on the press release, some play reading, and studying for my midterm tomorrow (OY).
I think that is all for now - I'll be back in the office tomorrow, and more excitement shall happen. Whee!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Invasion of the High School Girls!

Okay, to be fair there is one boy in the cast as well. The Notre Dame High School fall play, Necessary Targets by Eve Ensler opens this Thursday, and that's cool! But there's all these high schoolers here... Okay, I gotta hand it to them, I've watched a scene or two from last nights rehearsal--most of which I spent teaching a couple of the girls how to age and injure themselves with make-up--and a few of them are really pretty good. It looks like a pretty good show, about Bosnian refugees and an American psychiatrist... okay I really know very little about this play, but it looks quite promising. You should see it! Playing this weekend and next weekend:

Thursday 10/22 7:30:00 PM
Friday 10/23 7:30:00 PM
Saturday 10/24 7:30:00 PM
Sunday10/25 (no time posted)
Thursday 10/29 7:30:00 PM
Friday 10/30 7:30:00 PM

Spent very little of today actually at the intern desk. Checked off all the leftover inventory to be returned to Zanotto's, and then put it all on flats and in milk crates. At least I don't have to do any of the actual heavy lifting! Did some general walk around clean-up, not all that interesting. But the big news is with the ND play, which I suggest you come out and see. :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Introducing the Prop Loft

The prop loft at City Lights is, to put it lightly, a madhouse. Just taking a few steps in and glancing around, here is a small representation of what I saw (see which ones stand out to you):

-A large bag of grass skirts
-A box of wigs
-several racks of various costume pieces
-A skateboard
-A basketball and soccer ball, both of varied flatness
-A large stuffed phallus (courtesy of Lysistrata)
-A small pole dancing Barbie figurine
-A gold-colored eagle
-Various dishes and cups

Et cetera. I'm sort of looking forward to getting to work up there, aside from all the dust that has invariably settled in the corners. Should be fun!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's been awhile...

So, in case you hadn't noticed, I haven't posted on the blog in awhile. For those of you that did notice, I am humbled by your undying affection. For your benefit, I will now rattle off a list of excuses as to why I haven't posted:

- Ticket orders for Judas (one last weekend!)
- Ticket orders for Laramie (2 sold out shows!)
- Updating the website (we miss you Vera!)
- Seeing Judas (it's really good!)
- Cleaning (if you're one of those people who throws their used paper towels whenever they want, I will SMITE YOU!)
- Installing a new printer (read; HUGE)
- Learing how to set up and shut down the theater (as Beth mentioned previously)
- Starting rehearsal for a show (if Another Night Before Christmas isn't enough Christmas for you, check out A Christmas Pudding at Bus Barn)
- Eating (a specialization of mine)

And I think that's about it. It was a pretty hectic week, as I'm sure the other interns can vouch for. I did try to post something on the blog, but then things got even more crazy...
Anyhoo, I've still got work to do. I'll talk at ya'll later. Hopefully not too much later...

Saturday, October 10, 2009


See, this is why I work in theater. Because it is amazing.

1) The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, an awesome funny show currently playing (which I am finally seeing tonight!) that has been getting great reviews. Yay for South Bay premieres!
2) The Laramie Project, the 8pm show oversold by a few seats, so that will be fun and exciting getting everyone in, and I have no doubt the 5pm showing willing also sell out (I made sure to get my ticket while I was in yesterday). Huzzah for worldwide commemorative efforts! (For more info check out Gilly's post on Tuesday.)

As you may noticed, I am posting on Saturday, even though I work on Fridays, because I literally had NO TIME to post a blog yesterday. The phone was ringing almost off the hook (which was cool, but for the first 20 minutes it was only me and we have two lines and I can only do so much at once, sorry!). Anne had to tell me to stop selling 8pm tickets for Laramie because there were more on the online orders she had just closed. We're a smidge oversold, so if you have tickets for that showing, ARRIVE EARLY!!!

Fun times: on Thursday I stopped by City Lights for a little less than an hour and the 3 of us interns plus 2 Notre Dame students got the tour from the lovely Kit Wilder from the point of view of a stage manager opening up the theater for a show. I had only been in the booth once before, and I've never needed to be for a show. Needless to say I took notes, because I am bound to forget something. He gave us his cell number in case we screw up, but hopefully I'll never have to use it.

Okie doke, I have to get ready for rehearsal, but I'll be at Judas tonight! Have a good one!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Laramie, posters, and Mecury News... Oh my!

Greetings faithful readers.
It has been a little while since I last updated, and boy, are there exciting things for me to share! I'm still in the office right now (I know what you are thinking - Gilly, such a loyal worker, staying 'til all hours) as the New Play Reading starts in about an hour. In the meantime, I shall sit here with my zanatto's water (product placement? Don't worry, I paid.) and tell you a bit about what has been going on here.
The third weekend of Judas was very emotional, but the cast really came together and proved what a family City Lights really is. I know they're excited to bring you two more weekends of thought provoking fun, for which you can buy tickets on the website (had to throw that plug in there). The wonderful reviews keep on coming...
In case you didn't see on Monday, we were on the front page of the Mercury News! Here is a link to the article:
The article discusses one of the things I am most excited about right now - City Lights and Arclight partnering to bring the South Bay 'The Laramie Project: 10 Years Later - An Epilogue', as part of a global effort. All fifty states, as well as Spain, England, and China (among other nations) are all mounting staged readings on the same day, commemorating the 11th anniversary of Matthew Shepard's death with a tribute. This is a sequel to 'The Laramie Project', a play chronicling the events and reaction to the brutal murder of Matthew, a gay 21 year old college student whose death brought hate crimes to the forefront of the nation's mind. 10 years later, the writers of the original work, artists from the Tectonic Theater Project, went back to Laramie and interviewed many of the same people, to investigate what the long term effects of the hate crime had been, both socially and politically.
I happen to be one of the eight cast members playing multiple roles in the show, and (without giving too much away) let me tell you that it is an extremely thought provoking and moving piece. I think that the story told is very important -- it is finely written and there are some touching scenes. After the show, I'll go into more detail about the process (I don't want to post anything that might detract for those seeing the show), but I do encourage you to attend. The hows are at 5pm and 8pm on Monday the 12th, and we expect to sell out. The shows will be immediately followed by a streaming live talkback from members of the Tectonic Theater Project, as well as with the cast and our director, David Koppel. There are interviews with people involved in the process, and it promises to be a moving and intellectually rewarding show. I hope to see you there.
On a less intense note, I didn't update at the end of last week, mostly because Martin and I went on an excellent adventure to deliver Judas flyers and posters around downtown San Jose. It was fun, even though I have abysmal taste in shoes. Adventures are good, though, and it's nice to go wander and interact with the lovely patrons (that's you).
Sadly, Miss Vera Sloan has had her last day, having gone to work with Shady Shakespeare. She is already missed, and I hope she'll come back often (so we can go for coffee and chat -- she is a wise one, is Vera. :) ). It's okay, though. I'll probably end up calling her every few days until we find a replacement anyway. But she will never truly be replaced in out hearts! (Ok. I got carried away. *sappy music ends*).
Oooh - Amanda is working away on Dead Man Walking. Exciting things are afoot, which I (or she) shall hopefully be able to share soon. As soon as I can, you will be the first to know (as a reward for reading all of my rambling).
Alright. I'd better go. More soon!

Friday, October 2, 2009

When Things Go Wrong

Today it's just me and Ana Marie in the office, and by that I mean she's in the office and I'm on the lobby computer, because we both need access. So it's a little lonely, I must admit. Not to mention quiet. I'd sing show tunes to myself if I didn't have to concentrate on stuff. And it's just enough concentration to have to pay attention, but not necessarily be engaged.

There is at least one thing to say about mishaps and inconveniences: they keep you on your toes. First the key to the fence behind which the dumpster resides wouldn't turn, so I left a note for when the guys get in. I'm pretty sure I mentioned the right key... After that the online ticket service City Lights uses wouldn't let us log on in the lobby, but then it works fine in the office. And there's no guiding light of upper management to help us out! Yikes! Oh well, time to hitch up our big-kid trousers and get it over with.

Kicking off the 3rd weekend of Judas! If you haven't seen it yet, come on down! :D

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm baaaack.

Greetings, peeps.
I am back, tires and all. Well, technically I was here Saturday and Sunday (house managing for Judas), but I am in the office today. My chief projects today were a) getting rid of some of the older saved phone messages (which drive me insane) and b) finding volunteers to run concessions for the next three weekend of Judas' run.
This second topic is particularly close to my heart as a (now fully trained!) house manager -- there were no volunteers on Sunday (and only our stage manager Shannon as crew), so I conscripted Michael West, who was our lovely videographer for the evening. And now the facebook campaign has started.
I will find volunteers to help.
I will.
I mean, you get to see the show for free! How awesome is that?
So I have spent my day repeatedly updating the City Lights fan page to entice people to a) buy tickets and b) failing that, at least volunteer for one night (or even five!).
On an entirely unrelated note, I am going to link you to the yelp reviews, which are fantastic (the only one star one didn't see the show, and instead chose to rate downtown San Jose...). You can find them here:
Our artsopolis reviews are even better:

Now, dear audience, I know what you are wondering. How, dear, sweet, and beautiful Gilly, did your first solo experience house managing go?
Well, dear, sweet readers, it went just fine. I was very nervous, to be sure, but everything went beautifully, Michael came to help me out with concessions, and the cast and Shannon (I can't just say crew - she deserves to be recognized by name) are lovely. Although I was still too shy to tell them how great they are. Because apparently I am eight years old.
Alright. Hopefully I will have more substance for you soon. Later this week i plan to conquor the prop loft, which shall give me many wonders to tell of.
- Me

Friday, September 25, 2009

Reviews are Out!

Hey, check out the review of "Judas" that was in the Eye! (For those of you not from the Bay Area, or living under a rock, that's the entertainment section that comes out once a week from the San Jose Mercury News.) My mom pointed it out to me last night. Not too shabby! It references "City Lights-ness", and I'm gonna take that as a good thing.
Here's the link!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tragic news! Gilly's tires got slashed, so it's just me and Vera in the office today. Since Gilly is basically the queen of Theater Manager (the ticket ordering/printing/whatevering system), it's been a rough and wild ride for me to learn how to take down ticket orders, answer phone calls, and return messages. All that while taking down ticket orders, answering phone calls, and, you guessed it, returning messages. This is not a fun thing. It also doesn't help that I have a gnarly head cold. At least it isn't that hot... And I guess it's better than taking out the trash, sweeping the lobby, and cleaning the bathrooms... Actually, it's a whole lot better than dealing with all that. Especially the bathrooms... In fact, as I'm learning how to do this, it's turning out to be not so bad after all...... Hmmm......... You know what this calls for? REVOLUTION! LET ANARCHY REIGN! HAHAHAHAHAAA!

Yeah, I'll be back to cleaning bathrooms next week.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Air Conditioning is Wonderful

Here is something new and exciting (because that's what City Lights is all about). Currently in the house is a bevy of teenagers in skirts led by the loquacious and impressive Derek McCaw, director of the Notre Dame High School production of... well, I don't actually know what it's called, and he only told me 3 days ago! And I really don't want to interrupt a rehearsal, because that is ruder than rude. I remember directing last year and it sucked getting interrupted. And the website is no help. It just says "Fall Play." I know it's a drama, though! And the dates and times are thus:
Thursday 10/22 7:30:00 PM
Friday 10/23 7:30:00 PM
Saturday 10/24 7:30:00 PM
Sunday10/25 (no time posted)
Thursday 10/29 7:30:00 PM
Friday 10/30 7:30:00 PM
If my memory serves, ND has never had performances that spanned more than one weekend. So this is kind of a big deal. I talked to Derek on Saturday, and said that he would have liked to do this play when I was going there, but the school wouldn't let him. He also said that most of the actresses are very talented sophmores, which is weird because usually seniors (with more experience) are better. Not so this year.
Well, poop. I shall have to leave you in suspense for now.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

And this is my conclusion...

I had been holding off on writing a blog post this week because
a) Theater manager ate my life (ticket orders! Whee!)
and, more impressively sounding
b) I saw the Gala performance of Judas and wanted to give you my immediate response.
Now, I went into the theater having read the play (it was recommended to me by a friend before City Lights had announced their season), and having loved it. I also heard parts of it when I shadow house managed on Friday and Saturday nights (more on that later), but determinedly stopped myself from watching bits because I wanted to wait and see the production as a whole.
And the production as a whole was FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC.
I'll say right away that the standout performances for me were those of Isaac (as Judas), Jeff (as the most bewitchingly evil Satan I have ever seen), Robert (who has one of the hardest scenes in the play), Vera (whose opening monologue sets the show off perfectly), John (who is quite simply hilarious) and... you know what. I could very easily just praise the entire cast. And happily would, but I don't want to deprive the dear readers of the chance to enjoy and appreciate the performances with a fresh eye.
I was totally too shy to introduce myself to anyone at the gala (After I see a show which has that talented a cast I tend to feel irrationally intimidated - I know for a fact that the cast is lovely), but I will be around next weekend, as House manager, to enjoy it all over again.

Now, this post is quickly and inadequately written, but the message you should take is this:
Go see The Last Days of Judas Iscariot. Because there is something to be learned from it. What specifically that is will be individual to each person, but if you don't, you will never know.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Odd Job

That's who I would be if I were a James Bond villain crony. Because that's what I do: odd jobs. Like cleaning up the branches on the side alley; sweeping... pretty much everywhere; making stacks of Judas postcards (more on that later); getting together press packets; and so forth. It's all part of keeping a theater running and I like to think I do my part. I am however looking forward to when it is freezing in the office and not boiling. The way I see it, you can always put more layers on than you can take off.
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot opens tonight omgomgomg!!!! Last night was the pay-what-you-can night and it was very well received by the audience. Go see it! I don't know when I will yet, but I will! If I didn't I would be spectacularly shunned, and nobody wants that.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I know I'm not at the theater, but I thought you should know what I've been up to while Gilly's been working away with tickets.
I've been cleaning.
I won't even begin to tell you some of the things I disposed of. Except for the baby car seat. I'll tell you about that.


It was a car seat.
The kind that are for babies.


It was blue.



The things I do for you people.




Go see Judas. It opens tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Your friendly theater phone operator.

The nice people took most of the paper away!
Today my day was spent with the computer program theater manager. This program and I have what you might call a love/hate relationship. For example, I love it when it does what I think I told it to do. Other times, not so much. I also dislike it when it mocks me. "Now, Gilly," you are saying reasonably, "it is a computer program. Mocking you is not in its subroutines." Oh, but it is, my friends. It is. One of those little windows will pop up with a smart remark (eg: You have forgotten to fill in the date. Stop being stupid. - I paraphrase) and our relationship gets tested again.
So that is what I did today. I spent about three hours catching up on ticket orders and comps (mostly for this weekend - Judas opens tomorrow!), and generally answering the phones and using my very large sugary and caffeinated drink to keep me chipper.
I'm going to be shadow house managing on Thursday and Friday and hopefully see the show on Saturday. "Shadow house managing" is one of those phrases that sounds inherently cool, doesn't it? What it means is that from next weekend on I will be house managing for real. I'll be all grown up and everything.
Oh, I also wrote a monsterously long facebook message advertising the deals available to facebook fans of City Lights. If you aren't already a fan, you should be. Do it. Go. Now.

Now that you have returned from that important mission, it only remains for me to give you the traditional Ghost Update, which will be a regular feature of my column - I mean...blogs. The ghost called several times today, but as of yet contact has not been made.

You should come see Judas. The sets and costumes are looking great, the cast is fabulous, and it's one of the best scripts I have ever read.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled lives.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jumpin' on the Band Wagon

Okay, okay I'll do an introduction! Jeez, ya don't have to be so pushy about it.
But seriously, hello, all. Beth here, and it's about time our dear readers know a little more about me, since you already know the life stories of both Marty and Gilly. I feel a little left out, I must admit, at not having a convenient nickname ending in -y. Anywho, here is my life story. I went to Notre Dame High School (and now it's funny that I'm working right across the street) and then straight into the Theatre Conservatory at Foothill College. Aside from theater, I enjoy writing (having filled to date 17.5 composition books), doodling (as the margins in my high school notebooks will attest to), singing, walking, artsy-crafty things, drinking tea and coffee, and meeting new people. That's all I can think of at the moment.
Pretty chill work day. Messages to answer, you get the drill. Not much going on, hence the blog update. On Friday I get to go into the ticketing system and check out our sales statistics for data to be put to use sometime in the future. This is how I make a difference. Thrilling.
Interviews are being conducted in the lobby for a new publicist since the lovely Vera Sloan is leaving us at the end of the month (insert Gilly sadface), and so far I've only seen men in suits. Well, it's nice to be taken seriously. It's her birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY VERA!!!) so perhaps it's good that she took the day off so she doesn't have to see her potential replacements. But well all know that Vera can never be replaced in our hearts.
And now back to putting addresses on envelopes, et cetera. Woo!
Bye, guys!

Friday, September 11, 2009


So, the paper recycling has not been picked up the last two weeks. This is a problem, seeing as we are disposing of ALL the leftover 08-09 season fliers. We had more than a full load of paper 2 weeks ago, and now we are going to have to make it through at least another week. We'll be calling the people who were supposed to be picking up the paper shortly. Hopefully we can get this worked out and get all this paper off our hands. Hopefully City Lights doesn't drown in the ever growing sea of paper before it's too late. Wish us luck.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

The soothing sound of the photocopier...AND GHOSTS!

Guess what, guys? It's board meeting day! And do you, dear readers, know what that means? That means flurries of activity and focus (they would seem to be mutually exclusive, but are not) and, above all lots of photocopies. Amanda Folena (the lovely Executive Artistic Assistant) is, as I type, collating the large pile of packets for the board members who get to learn this afternoon about all of the new exciting ideas that City Lights has to bring yet more high quality theatre to San Jose, and the Bay area in general. I'll keep you posted as new things are announced.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: there are no scissors to be found in the entire city lights office or theatre. Anywhere. I speak with authority.

As Martin did a proper introduction, I kind of feel like I should too. So there you go: My name is Gilly (it's short for Gillian), but, like Martin, I will probably also respond to variations thereof. I grew up in England (having moved there when I was 10 months old from Slidell, Louisiana),a nd moved to California when I was 12. I still go back to England a lot (I have family there. Also, it's England). I trained as a ballet dance before I started acting so my current state is that of an actor/dancer/choreographer/stage manager/costumer. I've done a bit of everything, as it were. I work in several theatre's education programs ( I love teaching), and just graduated from the Foothill Theatre Conservatory (like Beth and Martin). I have a youtube channel, where I am generally rambly and ridiculous for your amusement, and a livejournal, as well as a blogspot (I don't use as often as lj). I have a list of things I want to accomplish in the next year, which includes things like reading 100 books, paintballing, and spending a day at the beach (I just never seem to get around to it).

Alright. enough innanity for now.

UPDATE: There is a ghost that calls City Lights! I just answered the phone to a dial tone and Amanda informed me that a ghost sometimes calls line 2! (I'm not sure she was taking the threat as seriously as it should be taken). I will attempt to make contact with the ghost next time he or she calls. I will, of course, keep you updated.
Oh, also, I went to Ashland last weekend. Awesome shows. More on that next time.

Stay cool, blogland!
- G

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hello, city lights fans! I'm Marty, more formally known as Martin, more familiarly known as Mar Mar, and also referred to as Marcus on occasion. However, I will respond to any name beginning with "Mar" regardless of whether or not I'm actually the one being referred to. I play Saxophone, sing, dance, act, write, climb, bounce, wander, sprint, fly, sleep, eat, ponder, procrastinate, muse, amuse, bemuse, and such. So... that's me.
So, I don't actually have too much to talk about today (hence the elaborate introduction). I've basically been hanging around, doing odds and ends, and learning how to do things on the fly. That's about all for now. I mostly just wanted to do a more... uh... "Formal" introduction. So, I'll talking to all y'all later! Until then, keep it awesome.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Who are we, anyway?

Greetings, people of the internet. Gilly here!
I know Beth already updated today, but I just sent a message out to the City Lights facebook group telling them to come here, and if you came here, I know you have one burning question.
What to the City lights interns look like?
Now, unless you know us (which most of you probably do), or are friends with us on facebook (which some of you may be) or are proficient at facebook stalking (I think that's just me) you will have no idea. Now, I can't let that stand. Let the facebook rummaging commence.
Photos in which we all look ridiculous for your amusement:

Beth as Lucy in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Martin as Mr. Beaver in the same show, and me being Harley Quinn. Because I am odd.

When we are not other people, we look like this:

So now you know. And now I will go back to tinkering with facebook, in the knowledge that your curiosity is satisfied.


Beth's First Day

Hello Blogsphere!
Okay, I guess if I was being picky I would say this is my second day. I was running around doing errands when Gilly and Martin were setting up this lovely blog, but now I'm here, so you can stop wondering "Who is this mysterious Beth person?" That would be me! And my "first" day has so far comprised of cleaning behind the box office and concessions area in the lobby (including a gnarly vase), making some copies, and filling out some scary official-looking forms. At the moment I'm taking a quick break from making a list of our lovely board members (yay!). Woops and it looks like I gotta continue with that--Lisa (nice boss lady :]) is gonna help me out with some files. Back to work with me!
Signing off,

Friday, September 4, 2009

Martin and Gilly - Creators of Greatness!

Hello, City Lights Fans!
We here at City Lights have created a blog, in the hopes that the masses (that's you!) will finally know what exactly all of those people at the theatre do all day.
There are three interns for the 2009-2010 season. Our names are (in alphabetical order so as to show no preference... Gilly is the best) Beth (the short one) , Gilly (the shorter one) , and Martin (the absurdly tall one). Each of us will be updating several times a week (whenever we work or hear something exciting) so you can find here interesting tidbits and even maybe information that hasn't been released yet! How cool is that? (The answer is very cool). As if that was not fantastic enough, we may occasionally feature guest blogs from other (more important) people at City Lights - Directors, managers... we're going to try and keep it mixed up. Excited yet? We are.
Alright. That's all for now. We're looking forward to this to becoming a place of great intern interaction and expression. Finally, you will hear the real story of what happens at one of the most innovative and respected theatre companies in the Bay Area.
Blog to you soon!
- Gilly and Martin (but mostly Gilly, although Martin did contribute some good words. Sometimes.)