Friday, December 18, 2009

A Strange Work Week

The weird thing about working in theatre is that your work week starts when most other people are thinking about the weekend. That is because we *are* the entertainment of the masses. You're welcome. My schedule in particular is weird: work Friday afternoon, house managing Saturday night, crewing and strike on Sunday, Monday off (another weird coincidence) and then Tuesday work. Well, anyway, I think it's weird.

Now that we have a lovely newly painted floor in the lobby and bathrooms, we've got to keep it looking spiffy. To contribute to that, I mopped them today, singing show tunes and Disney songs to not get bored. And, I'm not kidding, the water which used to be clear when I started was nearly black when I finished. Then again, we hadn't actually gotten around to doing it for three weeks, so if we do it at least once a week, we should be fine. And we do it for you!

Closing weekend! Wow that's really exciting. It looks like we might sell out, at least for our closing matinee, which is also exciting. So come on down and don't make a liar out of me!

Lastly, I think I speak for all the interns (and the rest of the staff) when I say have a wonderful and safe holiday and a lovely new year!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Wow, has it really been over a month since my last blog post? Sheesh. I need to get on the ball with this. It's funny really. There has been tons of stuff happening that I could write about, but since I've been buisy doing that stuff, I haven't had time to write about it. It's a conundrum, really. Actually, it's more of a predicament, really. I just like saying conundrum. Say it with me kids:
Now isn't that fun?

Although I could continue jabbering on with no real direction and not really talk about anything actually happening here at citylights by having long, drawn out sentences with no real direction punctuated with short sentences for emphasis, I will not. That would be stupid.

Instead, I will say that ANBC is awesome. I managed to get out and see it the other weekend, and it turned out to be way better than I expected. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who is completely over Christmas in every way. Thumbs up to Lisa-Marie and Michael for their awesome work.

And now, after listing to some lady tell me her life story over the phone and dealing with a posessed Ticket Manager, I shall go deal with the shipment of foodstuffs from Zanatto's that just rolled in. Good gravy.

Monday, December 14, 2009

NEVER FEAR - Gilly is here!

Greetings, lovely people.
I come to you from my nice warm bed, where I am currently curled up listening to BBC radio online. This has no real relevance to this post, but I thought it best to give some context. Mmm. Warm.
So, I house managed yesterday, Sunday, for our first matinee. It was a little hectic setting up, but we had a full house who completely adored the show. We had quite a few people who took pictures with our resident Santa and reformed Scroogette. :)
Another Night Before Christmas is going into its last week! It has been a great run, and the audiences have been loving the show. Most of the reviews are posted in the posts below, if you'd like to take a look. Personally, having seen the show at regular intervals, that it is only getting better as the run goes on. If you haven't seen the show (or even if you have!) I highly encourage you to do so! It made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Beth has already mentioned the lovely people who came to help us begin the long process of reorganizing the prop loft. In fact, we're going to be having a volunteer work weekend in January (the 9th and 10th) for anyone who loves City Lights, and wants to come spend some time with a fun group. There will be pizza and fun times! I'm excited.
I will update again this week, I promise! Tomorrow it shall be ticket order time. Yay!
I hope you have happy holidays -- I shall be going home for Christmas, and I have spent today staring at my suitcase in the hopes it will disappear if I stare at it long enough. May your Christmas, New Year, and Holiday season be magical!
Also, I am four episodes into Glee. It is so good.

Friday, December 11, 2009

For Shame!

My fellow bloggers and I have been slacking dreadfully in our duties! And there's actually stuff to talk about!!
1) Tonight only, if you call in or get tickets at the door, mention FACEBOOK and get $10 tickets! What a bargain!
2) On Tuesday morning Gilly and I were here bright and early (9:30 in the morning is ungodly for theatrical types) along with about 8 very friendly volunteers from Intel. Our task: clearing some of the clutter from the prop loft (dun dun dunnn), with the long term goal of actually inventorying what whe have. That will be Gilly's task over the next quarter, due to scheduling conflicts, etc. Good luck!
Among some of the stuff up there was a wallet with several pictures of a goat (I'm assuming from the play "The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?") and that was funny. The play is about a man who has an affair. With a goat. Hilarious.
3) Saturday night last weekend was the night for our Yelp people to come see the show, and they left some very nice things on their website! (If you see a "quick and friendly" girl at the counter, they're talking about me. ^_^) Here's the link if you want to check it out! And you do what to check it out, right? Right?!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Act 2 Lull

Hey, all. I'm house managing here tonight--this lobby gets real cold--and I've finished everything I need to do until the patrons leave. Tonight a bunch of folks from are here, and the deal is that they get a free ticket to the show, and then write a review. The fact they don't have to pay generally makes them feel better about writing it, but all the same, it's totally worth the price of admission.

I saw the show last weekend when I was shadowing to learn how to house manage (I barely messed up!), and wow, it's really good! I'm not just saying that, either, I really enjoyed it. I laughed, I cried, and I felt better about the world, that there might be some hope left in it. One of the themes of the show is just helping people, with a shout out to people in poverty. Our non-profit partner for this show is Sacred Heart Community Center ("A Community United to Ensure that Every Child and Adult is Free from Poverty"), and they really do go hand in hand. Very touching, with just the right blend of soap box to make it stick in the audience's mind. And it's a fact that the message of the show can be lost if the messengers are lousy, and the two actors in this show are anything but. Michael Johnson as Guy and Lisa-Marie Newton as Karol are convincing and engaging, with smart fun characters who work their way into the audience's heart. Two thumbs up!

Haha I didn' mean to write a review, but more folks should see this show!!! Call the box office at (408)295-4200 or go to for information on how to get tickets!

Oh, and a BIG shout out to my mom for helping me out, since no one was signed up to help with concessions tonight. Love you!!!

Stay warm, everyone!