Saturday, December 5, 2009

Act 2 Lull

Hey, all. I'm house managing here tonight--this lobby gets real cold--and I've finished everything I need to do until the patrons leave. Tonight a bunch of folks from are here, and the deal is that they get a free ticket to the show, and then write a review. The fact they don't have to pay generally makes them feel better about writing it, but all the same, it's totally worth the price of admission.

I saw the show last weekend when I was shadowing to learn how to house manage (I barely messed up!), and wow, it's really good! I'm not just saying that, either, I really enjoyed it. I laughed, I cried, and I felt better about the world, that there might be some hope left in it. One of the themes of the show is just helping people, with a shout out to people in poverty. Our non-profit partner for this show is Sacred Heart Community Center ("A Community United to Ensure that Every Child and Adult is Free from Poverty"), and they really do go hand in hand. Very touching, with just the right blend of soap box to make it stick in the audience's mind. And it's a fact that the message of the show can be lost if the messengers are lousy, and the two actors in this show are anything but. Michael Johnson as Guy and Lisa-Marie Newton as Karol are convincing and engaging, with smart fun characters who work their way into the audience's heart. Two thumbs up!

Haha I didn' mean to write a review, but more folks should see this show!!! Call the box office at (408)295-4200 or go to for information on how to get tickets!

Oh, and a BIG shout out to my mom for helping me out, since no one was signed up to help with concessions tonight. Love you!!!

Stay warm, everyone!

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